Beluga Whale Alliance (BWA) is based in Girdwood, Alaska, along a 40-mile stretch of shoreline that parallels critical habitat for Alaska’s endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales.
This distinct population segment (DPS) of belugas is listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)'s Red List… and is the inspiration behind the formation of Beluga Whale Alliance (BWA).
Cook Inlet, Alaska
Our current U.S.A. headquarters & field base is located along the shores of Cook Inlet in south-central Alaska, approx. a 30-minute drive southeast of Anchorage.
More specifically, the ‘front yard’ of our Alaska field headquarters is situated along a 40-mile stretch of critical beluga habitat of upper Cook Inlet locally known as the Turnagain Arm.
Accessible via and paralleling the Seward Highway, one of the United States’ most scenic drives, this area serves as the primary location of our immediate ‘boots on the ground’ efforts supporting the recovery of our critically endangered Cook Inlet belugas.
… & beyond!
As we grow, we aim to organically expand our field operations to additional locations throughout Alaska and elsewhere in the world.
Help us grow our network…or join us in the field!
Do you live near or work with belugas? Or do you currently reside in or have plans to visit Alaska’s Cook Inlet region and are interested in participating in our ongoing field efforts to support critically endangered Cook Inlet beluga recovery? Please contact us!
Turnagain Arm, Alaska. Image by Sonia Kumar